Old Zlang Address
Normal pronouns are primarily used when speaking to people younger than oneself, lower in status than oneself, or familiar to oneself.
Address terms are normally combined with an inalienable possessive determiner, which is first-person when referring to someone else and second-person when referring to oneself.
The following terms are used to refer to oneself:
- Someone speaking respectfully to someone of markedly greater social rank: jam slave
The following terms are used to refer to someone else:
- Someone speaking respectfully to/about a man older than themselves: sat moh paternal uncle, lit. father brother
- Someone speaking respectfully to/about a woman older than themselves: nay di maternal aunt, lit. mother sister
- Someone speaking respectfully to/about a male of similar age: sat brother
- Someone speaking respectfully to/about a female of similar age: nay sister
- Someone speaking respectfully to/about a male younger than themselves: ŋes son or ŋes gak nephew, lit. sibling son
- Someone speaking respectfully to/about a female younger than themselves: qa daughter or qa gak niece, lit. sibling daughter
- Someone speaking respectfully to/about a male of markedly greater social rank: bźat lord
- Someone speaking respectfully to/about a woman of markedly greater social rank: ndak lady