Old Mkroh
Old Mkroh is known synchronically as grò; its name in Old Tshyak is mkroh.
Sound Changes from Proto-Tshyak
- hɻ hl hw hj > ɻ̥ ɬ ʍ ç
- n ŋ d t dz ts dʑ tɕ g k ʔ z s ʑ ɕ h ɻ l ɻ̥ ɬ > nʷ ŋʷ dʷ tʷ dzʷ tsʷ dʑʷ tɕʷ gʷ kʷ ʔʷ zʷ sʷ ʑʷ ɕʷ ʍ ɻʷ lʷ ɻ̥ʷ ɬʷ / _{w V[+rounded]}
- V[+back -low -rounded] > V[+back -low +rounded]
- C[-voiced -glottal] > C[+aspirated] / #_
- Syllables with voiceless consonants in the initial or preinitials not preceded by a voiced obstruent preinitial receive high tone, all other syllables receive mid tone.
- zə ʑə sə ɕə hə > ∅ ∅ ∅ ∅ ∅
- b p d t dʷ tʷ dz ts dzʷ tsʷ dʑ tɕ dʑʷ tɕʷ g k gʷ kʷ z s zʷ sʷ ʑ ɕ ʑʷ ɕʷ h > mb mp nd nt ndʷ ntʷ ndz nts ndzʷ ntsʷ ɲdʑ ɲtɕ ɲdʑʷ ɲtɕʷ ŋg ŋk ŋgʷ ŋkʷ ndz nts ndzʷ ntsʷ ɲdʑ ɲtɕ ɲdʑʷ ɲtɕʷ ŋ / {mə nə ŋə}_
- ə > ∅ / {m n ŋ}_{ɻ l ɻ̥ ɬ ɻʷ lʷ ɻ̥ʷ ɬʷ w j ʍ ç}
- ɻ̥ ɬ ɻ̥ʷ ɬʷ ʍ ç > ɻ l ɻʷ lʷ w j / {m n ŋ}_
- mə nə ŋə > ∅ ∅ ∅
- w > ∅ / C_
- j > ∅ / C_
- ɻ l > j j / C_
- ɻʷ lʷ > ɻ l / C_
- Syllables with {p t k ʔ} in the coda receive mid-rising tone.
- Syllables with {s ɕ h} in the coda receive low tone.
- mp nt ntʷ nts ntsʷ ɲtɕ ɲtɕʷ ŋk ŋkʷ > mb nd ndʷ ndz ndzʷ ɲdʑ ɲdʑʷ ŋg ŋgʷ
- b d dʷ dz dzʷ dʑ dʑʷ g gʷ z zʷ ʑ ʑʷ > p t tʷ ts tsʷ tɕ tɕʷ k kʷ s sʷ ɕ ɕʷ
- mb nd ndʷ ndz ndzʷ ɲdʑ ɲdʑʷ ŋg ŋgʷ > b d dʷ dz dzʷ dʑ dʑʷ g gʷ
- m n ŋ b p pʰ d t tʰ dz ts tsʰ g k kʰ ʔ s h ɻ l > mʲ nʲ ɲ bʲ pʲ pʲʰ dʲ tʲ tʲʰ dzʲ tsʲ tsʲʰ ɟ c cʰ ʔʲ sʲ ç ɻʲ lʲ / _j
- j > ∅ / C_
- ɛ ɔ > iə uə
- e o > e̞ o̞
- s ɕ h ʔ > ∅ ∅ ∅ ∅ / V_$
- s > ∅ / C_$
- m n ŋ p t k ʔ s h > mʲ nʲ ɲ pʲ tʲ c ʔʲ sʲ ç / _ʔʲ
- n ŋ t k ʔ s ɕ h > nʷ ŋʷ tʷ kʷ ʔʷ sʷ ɕʷ ʍ / _ʔʷ
- ʔ ʔʷ ʔʲ > ∅ ∅ ∅ / C_
- pə tə kə > ʔə ʔə ʔə
- ɻə lə > ∅ ∅ / _{ɻ ɻʷ ɻ̥ ɻ̥ʷ l lʷ w j}
- ʔə > ʔ / _C[+voiced +approximant]
- ʔw ʔj > ʔʷ ʔʲ
- ɻʷ lʷ > ɻ l / C_
- ʔʷ ʔʲ ʔɻ ʔl > w j ɻ l / _V(C){ʔ ʔʷ ʔʲ}
- ʔʷ ʔʲ ʔɻ ʔl > w j ɻ l / ʔV(C)_
Syntactic and Morphological Changes from Proto-Tshyak
- Serial verb constructions move before main verbs
- The objects of serial verb constructions move before the coverbs rather than after them.
- The objects of main verbs, which are frequently fronted already to topicalize them, permanently move before it and the serial verb constructions rather than after it.
- Relative clauses get moved before the nouns they qualify.
- Possessive pronouns get moved before the nouns they qualify.
- Pronominal clitics get limited to marking verbs.
- Coverbs turn into case postposition clitics; in turn, they close their marking with pronominal clitics and get attached to independent pronouns.
- The optative mood turns into a jussive mood.
- The dual SAP argument and plural SAP argument turn into dual and plural markers for the animate argument that is highest in the person hierarchy, being used even when no SAP markers are present.
Phonemes and Orthography
Nasals: /m mʲ n nʷ nʲ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/ m my n nw ny ŋy ŋ ŋw
Voiced stops: /b bʲ d dʷ dʲ ɟ g gʷ/ b by d dw dy gy g gw
Unaspirated voiceless stops: /p pʲ t tʷ tʲ c k kʷ ʔ ʔʷ ʔʲ/ p py t tw ty ky k kw ʔ ʔw ʔy
Aspirated voiceless stops: /pʰ pʲʰ tʰ tʷʰ tʲʰ cʰ kʰ kʷʰ/ ph phy th thw thy khy kh khw
Voiced affricates: /dz dzʷ dzʲ dʑ dʑʷ/ dz dzw dzy dź dźw
Unaspirated voiceless africates: /ts tsʷ tsʲ tɕ tɕʷ/ ts tsw tsy tś tśw
Aspirated voiceless affricates: /tsʰ tsʷʰ tsʲʰ tɕʰ tɕʷʰ/ tsh tshw tshy tśh tśhw
Fricatives: /ʍ s sʷ sʲ ɕ ɕʷ ɬ ɬʷ ç h/ hw s sw sy ś św hl hlw hy h
Voiceless liquids: /ɻ̥ ɻ̥ʷ/ hr hrw
Voiced liquids: /ɻ ɻʷ ɻʲ l lʷ lʲ/ r rw ry l lw ly
Semivowels: /w j/ w y
Close: /i u/ i u
Mid: /e o/ e o
Open: /a/ a
[ə] is present between prefixes and following consonants.
Rising: /iə uə/ ie uo
High: í é á ó ú ié uó
Mid-rising: ǐ ě ǎ ǒ ǔ iě uǒ
Mid: i e a o u ie uo
Low: ì è à ò ù iè uò
Syllable Structure and Phonotactics
C({ɻ l})V({p t k m n ŋ ɻ l w j})
Initial syllables may be preceded by prefixes of /ʔ ɻ l/ followed by [ə] except for syllables starting in approximants. /ɻ l/ can only follow nasals, plosives, and sibilant fricatives, and /l/ cannot follow coronal plosives. Nominal suffixes tend to be open syllables even when historically derived from closed syllables. Non-initial syllables also tend to be unaspirated.
Syntax and Morphology
Word Order
SOXV, with topic-fronting; genitive-relative-noun-definiteness-number-case; compounds are head-first. The question marker há is found at the ends of sentences.
Relative clauses that are not stative intransitive verbs are followed by the relative marker na. Relative clauses that refer to something at a lower level in the phrase structure than the noun they immediately precede have a resumptive pronoun placed after na. Attributive NPs behave like relative clauses in that they require the relative marker na to precede their referents and have similar usage of resumptive pronouns.
Resultative verbs associated with a main verb are placed directly before the main verb, unlike in Proto-Tshyak where they are placed after the object.
definite ʔyá/ʲ+á but yá/ʲ+á before syllables beginning with ʔ/ʔw/ʔy
Number and Animacy
Note that nouns marked with a number are not marked for number in the IE sense. Also, verbs marked with stative verbs that imply number normally are not marked for number.
dual, animate: kǎ (káp)
plural, animate: ya*/a**/hyá*** ****
dual, inanimate: rwa*/ra**/hrwá*** ****
plural, inanimate: nǒ (nok)
* after vowels or Proto-Tshyak vowels followed by /ʔ/, receives high tone if preceded by /ʔ/ in Proto-Tshyak, otherwas receives mid tone
** after consonants, receives high tone if preceding consonant was /p t k ʔ s ɕ h/ in Proto-Tshyak, otherwise receives mid tone
*** after stems that originally ended in /h/
**** Preceding syllables that ended in singla plosives behave as if they ended in vowels; preceding syllables that ended in sibilants do not lose said sibilants preceding syllables behave as if their original final consonant did not belong to that syllable.
Case is marked after number and any cardinal numbers.
ergative, animate: li*/ʲ+i**/hlí*** ****
ergative, inanimate: (ʔ)à
absolutive: ∅
genitive: tsá
dative: ŋa
benefactive: dźǎ
instrumental: mǐ
comitative: la
essive: bya
translative: liy
ablative: yuo/ʲ+uo/hyuo*** ****
elative: tsà
locative: yù/ʲ+ù/hyù*** ****
adessive: hwǒ
inessive: tsú
allative: hwǎ
lative: lè
illative: diè
* after vowels or Proto-Tshyak vowels followed by /ʔ/, receives high tone if preceded by /ʔ/ in Proto-Tshyak, otherwas receives mid tone
** after consonants, receives high tone if preceding consonant was /p t k ʔ s ɕ h/ in Proto-Tshyak, otherwise receives mid tone
*** after stems that originally ended in /h/
**** Preceding syllables that ended in single plosives behave as if they ended in vowels; preceding syllables that ended in sibilants do not lose said sibilants; preceding syllables behave as if their original final consonant did not belong to that syllable.
The following affixed are prefixed to the verb stem:
verbal noun ʔuó
agent noun tí
patient noun pó
antipassive voice sí
reflexive voice rwu
reciprocal voice pu
causative voice muo (pfv.) / mu (ipfv.)
resultative la (pfv.) / le (ipfv.)
Note that when these are prefixed to the verb stem the verb stem loses any prefixes.
The following affixes are suffixed to the verb stem, in the following order:
direct knowledge śe / deductive ká / reportative huó / assumption yie**/ie***/hyié**** ***** / dubitative/subjunctive ra**/ʲ+a***/hrá**** *****
mirative té
jussive ke
1st (ʔ)ám / 1st + 2nd pie / 2nd (ʔ)ǎk
dual animate argument* kú / plural animate argument* mi
imperative 2nd du. la / imperative 2nd pl. yi**/i***/hyi**** *****
negative ŋa / prohibitive té
* If there are more than one animate argument, this marks the argument that is highest in the person hierarchy.
** after vowels or Proto-Tshyak vowels followed by /ʔ/, receives high tone if preceded by /ʔ/ in Proto-Tshyak, otherwas receives mid tone
*** after consonants, receives high tone if preceding consonant was /p t k ʔ s ɕ h/ in Proto-Tshyak, otherwise receives mid tone
**** after stems that originally ended in /h/
***** Preceding syllables that ended in single plosives behave as if they ended in vowels; preceding syllables that ended in sibilants do not lose said sibilants; preceding syllables behave as if their original final consonant did not belong to that syllable.
Subordinating Conjunctions
There really are not any proper subordinating conjunctions; rather, a clause is simply marked for a case and used as an NP. However, here are some of the common case usages with subclauses.
because: instrumental case
then: comitative case
where: locative case
if, on where: adessive case
when, while: essive case (note that the meanings when and while are distinguished by the perfectivity of the verb)
in where: inessive case
after, from where: ablative case
before, to where: lative case
since, out of where: elative case
until, onto where: allative case
into where: illative case
so that: benefactive case
Attributive possession is divided into alienable and inalienable possession. Alienable attributive possession is marked with the genitive of the possessor tsá followed by a relative marker na followed by the possessed. Inalienable attributive possession is marked with either a possessive personal pronoun preceding that possessed or the possessor followed by a possessive personal pronoun agreeing with the possessor followed by the possessed.
Predicative possession is expressed with that possessed as a subject for the existential verb kiey (pfv.) / koy (ipfv.) combined with the possessor marked either with the benefactive dźǎ, to express "have" possession, the inessive tsú, to express "own" possession, or the comitative la, to express "have on" possession.
1sg sg. may
1st du. rwukú
1st pl. rwu
1st + 2nd du. tekú
1st + 2nd pl. te
2nd sg. niŋ
2nd du. lokú
2nd pl. lo
3rd sg. yo
3rd du. animate kakǎ (kakáp)
3rd pl. animate ka
3rd du. inanimate yorwa
3rd pl. inanimate yonǒ (yonok)
1st sg. ma
1st du. rwuŋi
1st pl. rwu
1st + 2nd du. teŋi
1st + 2nd pl. te
2nd sg. ni
2nd du. loŋi
2nd pl. lo
3rd sg. yo
3rd du. animate kaŋi
3rd pl. animate ka
3rd du./pl. inanimate yo
You ate all the food.
The king ruled the land from the sea to the sea.
You talk about Mkroh all day long.
Stop pissing on the grass!
I speak Mkroh instead of Tshyak.
Your big dog ate my little cat over there.
The cat saw the bird on top of the old house.
Seven Kill Stele
Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.
Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.